Our Training Courses
Explore the vast array of training courses we offer. All delivered by qualified experts with extensive sector experience.
Please note: We are constantly adding new training courses. If you can’t find the course you’re looking for? Please get in touch with us
Entry-level courses
A series of courses designed to introduce officers to community safety and ASB, whether from the police, local authority, or a housing provider. These provide delegates with an understanding of how to identify and investigate ASB, apply case management principles and access services available to support vulnerable victims and witnesses.
CPD Accredited
Introduction to ASB
Aimed at those officers who are new to ASB, those wishing to take a refresher or those who want to gain a better understanding of how it is dealt with by their organisation. The course will enable the delegate to understand what ASB is, what effect it has, and how it should be responded to. It will cover investigation techniques, tools to deal with ASB, the importance of record-keeping, working with partners and supporting victims and witnesses.
CPD Accredited
ASB Case Management Principles
This course will enable delegates to understand the methodology of good case management and will include investigation techniques, assessing a case, appropriate responses, intervening early, evidence- gathering, record keeping, dealing with complex cases, preparing a case for court and victim/witness support.
CPD Accredited
ASB Tools and Powers
This course provides delegates with knowledge of how to resolve ASB by using a “step by step” process starting with informal non-legislative techniques and progressing through these options to more serious legal judicial solutions. It covers all the powers available in the ASB Crime & Policing Act 2014.
Safeguarding awareness
This course provides delegates with an understanding and awareness of safeguarding and child protection issues, how to respond appropriately and how to make effective referrals. The course is aimed at frontline officers in housing, ASB, community safety and tenancy support roles.
Choosing The Right ASB Tool
The course will include an overview of each tool, how it works, the legislation that applies and the consequences of noncompliance. Attendees would also be able to work through a range of cases studies to help them understand how to effectively apply these tools in practice.
Technical level courses
Courses designed to support the development of specialist knowledge in key areas of community safety and ASB. Whether an officer preparing cases for legal action, working on the front line, or in partnership, these courses will provide the building blocks to become a specialist. Our courses are suitable for delegates from the police, local authority, or a housing provider.
Interviewing and Statement Taking
This provides delegates with knowledge of how to interview victims and witnesses and how to produce a statement which can be used in legal proceedings. The course will equip delegates with differing interview techniques which will be useful when undertaking investigations. This course also covers the civil procedure rules in relation to evidence and statement writing.
Legal Notices: Possession
This course gives delegates the information required to ensure that they are able to produce high-quality legal notices for use in civil legal proceedings. The course covers drafting notices when using discretionary and absolute grounds.
Practical use of Community Protection Notices (CPNs)
This interactive training course provides delegates with all the information and template materials needed to effectively use CPNs. The course is aimed at officers from the local authority, police and housing providers who deal with anti-social behaviour and nuisance issues.
Tenancy Fraud
This course gives delegates the information required to ensure that they are able to detect and investigate tenancy fraud occurring in the properties they manage as well as practical tips to deter fraud in the first place. The course also covers the legal requirements for recovering the property in the least expensive manner.
CPD Accredited
Mental Health and ASB Casework
A practical guide to managing a case where mental health is a factor, delegates will learn how to identify mental health issues and how to take action. The course will explore statutory obligations and justification and introduce the legislation; Human Rights Act, Equality Act 2010 and Mental Health Act, as well as sharing information and how to ask for it.
Supporting Victims and Witnesses
This course provides delegates with knowledge of how to understand, deal with and support victims and witnesses of crime and / or ASB so that they feel confident to assist, guide, reassure and empower those victims and witnesses to participate in the resolution process.
Domestic Abuse Awareness
This course enables delegates to understand what domestic abuse is, how to respond appropriately, how to also identify potential cases of domestic violence and abuse, and identify options that can be immediately employed to protect individuals. It also covers risk assessing and working with partners.
Hate Crime Awareness
The course will enable the delegate to understand what a hate incident or hate crime is, how it manifests itself, who it effects, relevant legislation and case law, how to respond appropriately, risk assessing, agency roles, and relevant case studies.
Mental Capacity and Equality assessments
This half-day training course will improve knowledge and understanding, and clarify the myths surrounding the Mental Capacity Act. It looks at the consideration of Legal action, Equality, and Human Rights Acts and some important case law.
Closure Orders & Cuckooing
The course establishes a thorough understanding of the Premises Closure Process as well as the ability to recognise and safeguard vulnerable tenants
DIY Injunctions
This course is aimed at those officers who wish to prepare for Injunction hearings and present Injunction cases at Court. The course will enable learners to identify appropriate cases, understand requirements & thresholds and how best to prepare cases. It will also enable learners to understand the court process, the roles involved and be confident in presenting cases.
Vulnerabilities & ASB
To gain an understanding of vulnerabilities including mental health, mental incapacity and disabilities, and how this may impact on civil proceedings
Manager / Strategic level courses
A series of courses which will support the ongoing development of managers’ expertise whether they are new to being a supervisor of community safety and antisocial behaviour services or are already experienced.
Supervising ASB / Community Safety Casework
The ability to supervise caseworkers is an important function for managers of teams tackling community safety issues or investigating cases of antisocial behaviour. This course enables managers and aspiring managers to supervise casework effectively and ensure compliance with the law. It also teaches how to develop caseworkers and how to plan for changes and challenges whilst maintaining staff morale.
Working effectively with partners and influencing
The ability to work effectively with partners and influence others is a must for managers. This course provides delegates with the tools to work productively and strategically, with internal and partner agencies, to ensure results and appropriate responses for communities.
Effective ASB and Community Safety Policies, Procedures and Strategy
The course covers why policy and procedures are required and the consequences if they are poor. The course delivers best practice in terms of content – what to include and the language to use. It supports delegates to explore how best to implement them and also covers the development and implantation of a strategy that cuts across the organisation.
Promoting Confidence and Community Engagement
This course provides delegates with knowledge of what can be done by themselves and the role of others in engaging with communities to promote confidence. Delegates will also learn about the law in relation to publishing sentencing outcomes and legal sanctions obtained whether it relates to a specific individual or location.